The Guthrie Project - Architectural Photographer

Rejuvenating a Sydney Sandstone While Respecting its Heritage Value
One of Balmain's earliest homes, a humble sandstone cottage, is renovated to reveal its inherent beauty - revealing layers of history.

A Lounge Pavilion Set in a Sunken Garden Feels Both Indoors and Out
A simple, yet considered pavilion connects the home to the garden and brings greenery and light into the living area.

Would you like a home that feels like it's floating in the treetops?
Taking advantage of a mature native landscape, this home captures all the right views so it feels like you're floating in the treetops.

At his home in the country, every room opens up to the nature...
A unique design means that living in this home keeps you constantly in touch with the stunning natural environment.

Imagine if more suburban homes looked and functioned like this…
A suburban home designed for the Australian landscape and climate. If our suburbs looked like this, imagine what we could create.