Combining your money and resources with friends in order to realize a construction project is a great option -- particularly if the project is a holiday home you can take it in turns of using. That's exactly what these six friends did. With a limited budget, they built a small rural retreat in which to share good times and to visit independently.

Simple, But Useful Space
The simple, raised living space packs a lot into a small area. There's a bathroom, kitchen, living area and bedroom. A bench seat running the whole length of the cabin can also be used for additional sleeping space. To fit all six friends might be a bit of a stretch, but the site includes plenty of camping space, and a roof top terrace can also be used for sleeping.

Juxtaposition of Spaces
"The cabin is designed for six owners, who live in different times individually and sometimes in groups. A neutral space allows various recreational instances, while maintaining the original place as a key aspect of this new space. We set the project as the juxtaposition of places: a primitive place, an object place, a recreational place, a contemplative place, a pragmatic place." -- AToT Architects

Kit of Parts
The simple cabin was built cheaply and quickly -- just 45 days -- thanks to a kit-of-parts building approach of locally available and easily assembled components.

Delta Cabin
This is a great example of friends sharing resources to build something they can all benefit from, and which none of them may have been able to achieve independently. The simple structure allows an appreciation of nature and the environment without overwhelming that natural landscape. In fact, the dark colors and simple design enhance the area and create the perfect platform for appreciating the landscape.