Wakatipu Guest House Offers a Simple and Relaxing Place to Retreat

Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects

Architect: Team Green Architects Photographs: Sam Hartnett article Size: 106 m2 Location: New Zealand Tags: New Homes, Country Homes

Designed as guest accommodation in the grounds of an existing rural property in Dalefield, New Zealand, Wakatipu Guest House provide a place to retreat, that offers a simple and relaxing experience for the owners’ family and friends…

Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)
Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)

Modern Villa

The requirement was for a two bedroom modern ‘Villa’ offering robust but comfortable accommodation for up to eight people. This is achieved with a specifically designed bunk room and separate master bedroom. A simple but well-appointed bathroom also offers the guests a private and relaxing bathing experience under the stars, located in a subterranean roof-glazed recess facing skyward toward Coronet Peak.

Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)
Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)

Subtly Concealed

In response to the strict Planning Conditions the Guest House subtly conceals itself by partially bunkering into the pastoral landscape within a grove of established Silver Birch trees which were purposely retained to provide a deliberate feeling of separation and tranquility away from the main house.

Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)
Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)

Combining Forms

The design uses a simple combination of two distinct and contrasting building forms: A modern (partially submerged) pavilion with a large hovering flat-roof houses the bedrooms and bathrooms, and a more traditional pitched-roof shed houses the living area and sheltered loggia. This helps the home to appear smaller than it actually is.

Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)
Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)

Exterior Living

The living terrace and loggia deck provide exterior open-air options of varying protection from seasonal sun and weather, as well as the adjustable cedar sunscreens to allow variable levels of sunlight into the building. The flexible exterior living spaces were required to open out from both the sleeping and living buildings.

Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)
Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)

Local Materials

The building and moveable sunscreens have used natural cedar to work with the surrounding natural textures, and the familiar grey corrugated roofing profile mimics to the farm sheds seen on the surrounding pastoral land.

Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)
Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)
Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)

Wakatipu Guest House by Team Green Architects (via Lunchbox Architect)

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