700 Haus in Trentham, Victoria by Glow Building Design is a modern farmhouse which takes full advantage of its hillside location…

The house is designed to blend in with the style and materials or other agricultural buildings in the area, matching their use of corrugated and timber, but it still feels very much like a home.

The home is suitable for the high rainfall in the area, with steeply pitched roofs. It also captures key views of the rolling hills, so the occupants can stay warm inside but still enjoy the picturesque landscape. Local products have been used where possible in the tradition of farmhouses.

The home is designed to line up with key viewpoints on the surrounding farmland, but also to maximise solar gain to keep the home warm during the area's notoriously cold winters.

Despite its modern appearance, this home is still a working farmhouse — it needed to be practical for the clients' growing family and life on the land. A mudroom provides the important space to sit down, remove muddy boots and enter via the laundry.

"The house we came up with is very comfortable, thermally efficient and makes good use of its position on the land. The clients have found the build process smooth and the house functions as planned. Many recycled materials, local trades and craftspeople have been used on the build. The use of these local products also beds it down in the landscape." — Glow Building Design

The modern farmhouse is off-grid — collecting its own water, generating its own energy and treating waste water on-site. Other sustainability initiatives in the use of strong built in insulation, low voltage appliances and various water saving devices make it an energy efficient home.

This Trentham Modern Farmhouse ensures comfort and views will be with the family as they grow. Living and enjoying the location for years to come.